The Second Big Lie

These governors embrace communism:  everyone must work and we will control how much they get paid and where they work.  Forced collectivization and industrialization worked so well for Stalin, it must be Missouri’s best answer too. 

Who Owns You?

A few years back my mom got a pacemaker:  her doctor thought a heart rate of 22 beats a minute seemed a touch low. This month her cardiologist detected that the pacemaker wasn’t operating properly and mom needed to have Read More …

The Missouri Go Round

St. Louis Zoo Carousel

Get comfy…this will take a while. A chain of emails related to the operation of Missouri’s food stamp program arrived yesterday.  State Representative Sarah Unsicker (D – Shrewsbury) shared this information. An outstate gentleman serves as legal guardian for an Read More …

An Eight Foot Ladder

The other week the weather people predicted really nasty storms.  I knew the gutters needed cleaning, immediately. Right after I married I bought a six foot ladder.   The ladder came with us when we bought the house, and, back then Read More …