West County Democrats Monthly Meeting
On Zoom due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Monday, October 12, 2020 at 10:30 am,
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: September 14, 2020 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
Register in advance for this meeting:
Our October 12, Speaker: Tony Messenger
Topic: The Covid Election
Mr. Messenger is the winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary. The Pulitzer jury awarded the prize for his searing series of columns which “exposed the malfeasance and injustice of forcing poor rural Missourians charged with misdemeanor crimes to pay unaffordable fines or be sent to jail.” A cycle of debt and criminalization often results and becomes impossible to escape.
He and Kevin Horrigan had been nominated for a Pulitzer in 2015 for their editorials which “brought insights and context to the national tragedy of Ferguson.”
He is the Metro columnist at the Post-Dispatch and spoke to us about the Better Together issue last year. He and his family live in Wildwood.
Please register for our Zoom meeting and invite friends to join us. We need to stay connected and reach out to others during this difficult time. See you on Zoom!
We encourage members to support our Democratic primary winners with donations, displaying yard signs and volunteering your time. Please renew your dues if you have not already done so and remember Circle of Concern needs our support more than ever. Stay healthy and safe. We miss you!
Questions? Contact Erlaine Eltomi, erlaine.eltomi@att.net or 636-537-2736