Behind Enemy Lines

 Yesterday I did something rare:  I drove about St. Louis County completing errands.

Traffic – even near a pair of shopping centers – never slowed me down.  Still, the drive left me a bit unsettled…

On Big Bend near the Manchester – Ballwin line a truck with two large Trump/Pence flags was parked by the road, where employees park, at a major gas station.

On a major “cut through” street a front yard sign demanded, TRUMP WON, LIVE WITH IT.

Atop a garage roof visible from I-255 just before Telegraph Road is now a home-made Trump billboard.

And, many houses – and a few businesses – in south county proudly fly Trump flags.

That’s here in St. Louis County where Joe Biden earned 61% of the vote.  Traditionally, when your candidate loses in a landslide you accept the results.  Not now.  This year you whine and stomp and declare the election a fraud, pledge to never accept reality and dig in for years of nasty, open conflict.

Of course, in Missouri Donald Trump got 57% of the vote.  The counties adjoining St. Louis County all went for Trump, St. Charles County giving him 58% of the vote, JeffCo 66% and Franklin County 71%.  Down in greater Branson (Christian and Taney counties) Trump got over 75% of the vote.  In more rural areas Trump won big. [ ]

In other words, Missouri remains Trump country and Trump is in a war with American ideals and reality.  We must accept that we live behind enemy lines.

Note how Trumpism invaded the local pandemic response.  TV news covered the restaurant people protesting St. Louis County’s restrictions.  The food folks thought their “right” to make a living justifies spreading a deadly virus.  Though not mentioned by reporters, images of the protests included Don’t Tread On Me flags, MAGA hats and Trump signs, and large numbers of unmasked people in close proximity.

Then there’s quiet rule breaking.  For example, on my nightly walks on Telegraph I’ve recently, repeatedly seen patrons in two bars.  Both places offer food but neither would attract a foodie for take-out.  I mentioned this to someone who delivers to such establishments.  “They’re just trying to survive,” he said, and, admitted he knew of several others about south county still serving despite the rules.  So much for the ‘we’re all in this together’ approach.

Now, even the casual viewer of Hogan’s Heroes knows that life behind enemy lines calls for discretion and stealth.  True, being an admitted Democrat in St. Louis County isn’t too bad.  I’ve learned to live with the nasty looks and rude behavior from other shoppers.  Still, when venturing out into the rest of Missouri I suggest keeping eyes open and mouths shut.  Notice those Trump flags and bumper stickers.  Just smile and keep driving.  Remember, they believe we stole their election victory and that we are all socialists and communists.  There’s a lot of places in this state to dig shallow graves.
