MO GOP 2024?

 On March 29, 1936 they held an election in Germany…

Only the NSDAP’s candidates were admitted to the Reichstag election in the form of a unified list of candidates. Only a Yes vote could be cast; the ballot did not include any place for a No.

Unmarked ballots were counted as Yes votes, which only became known after the election…Paul Schneider…and his wife Margarete also boycotted the 1936 Reichstag elections. Schneider explained his actions to his congregation, stating that his vote could be construed as approval of the state’s anti-Christian weltanschauung policy. His parsonage was defaced in the night before Easter.

Resistance!? Protestant Christians under the Nazi Regime (

In August and November 2024 Missouri hosts a primary and general election:  those recently elected – including Governor Mike Parson, Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft – will oversee those elections. 

Here’s the question:  will Missouri’s next presidential election cycle look like Missouri’s vote in 2016, or, like Germany’s in 1936?


  1. The Missouri legislature’s Republican majority has repeatedly called for strict Voter I.D. requirements in a blatant attempt to suppress votes from Democrat leaning groups and areas.
  2.  Attorney General Schmitt joined the Texas coup attempt to throw out the legal votes of millions of Americans who, well, didn’t vote for his candidate.
  3. All six of Missouri’s GOP members of the U.S. House of Representatives supported that coup as well.
  4. His Accidency, the governor, has been a staunch ally of President Trump and the Trumpettes efforts.
  5. Republicans hold veto proof majorities in the Missouri House and Senate, and, control all but one seat in the crucial Cole County Court House.
  6. The Supreme Court has shown an aversion to interfering in state election activities.

Yes, most of us wanted them to reject the Texas lawsuit.  Even before that mild act of lawfulness, alas, the Supreme Court has lessened voter right protections and avoided opportunities to clarify what is acceptable state behavior.  The court trend has been to let states do what states want to do until they get ridiculous.  And that was before the Trump Three joined the bench.  (That ridiculous line has probably moved pretty far.)

So, let’s suppose they that rule Missouri institute three small, logical changes to state voting law:

          ►  To vote you must present, in person, a state-issued photo I.D. with your current address at your polling place.

            ►  To get on the ballot as a candidate, in addition to being a member of your stated party who owes no taxes, you must also be certified by the Secretary of State as eligible to be a candidate.

            ►  Elections are not certified until endorsed by two-thirds of the legislature in a vote by county or by election race.

Of course, “we all know” that absentee voting, early voting and voting by mail are inherently deceitful.  Just eliminate that problem completely.

No one has a right to be a candidate, so, why shouldn’t Jay determine that candidates have the proper character to stand for election?  (This is what works so well in Iran, for example.)

As the 2020 election in several states showed, the people who count the votes probably aren’t honest: let the legislature review their work and correct mistakes.

Sound far fetched?  All three of these possible changes are being discussed in national Republican circles.  While Donald J. Trump will no longer be President, the Trumpettes will wield control of the GOP for at least another decade.  And, as I mentioned a bit ago, in Missouri the bulk of them ‘know’ Trump won the election but had it stolen from him.  They will support whatever it takes to prevent a similar theft.

What, you say our elected state leadership have too much ethical blood in their veins to allow such radical anti-American changes? 

Yeah, that was a joke. 

Hang on folks, it will be a wild ride.
