Still Sad, Still Wanting…

Missouri February Benefit Numbers Released

In Missouri, it’s good enough to say you have Temporary Assistance, food stamp and Medicaid programs:  you don’t need to provide inclusive, effective and professionally administered programs.

The Department of Social Services has released the Family Support Division and MO HealthNet Division Monthly Management Report for February 2021[ Monthly Management Report ]

In addition, information on the DSS response to COVID – closed offices, piled up paperwork and basically letting state staff get sick – has been filtering out of the bureaucracy.  The bottom line is that Missouri taxpayers are not getting what they paid for, and, struggling citizens are not getting the services they need and are entitled to get.

For example, in February 2020 right before the pandemic slapped us all silly, 657,317 Missourians received food stamps.  That number was lower than it should have been due to the waves of impediments Missouri places between hungry families and help.  Still, here it’s our baseline.  As the chart on page 152 of this February’s report shows, the number getting stamps soared almost straight up from March till May.  Then – this being Missouri – came the sky slope decline before hitting the bouncing plateau of the past five months.  The stats show just a 6.5% increase from February to February…

So, a look at food stamp reports implies that Missouri’s economy was almost back to normal last fall and this February was just a little bit below the pre-pandemic level.  (If you believe that, let me sell you a pair of well maintained bridges over the Mississippi River.)

As a friend says about Covid, If you don’t count cases they can’t be used against you.  In a similar way, keeping hungry families from getting help lessens the workload on state workers, and, makes the state appear to be in better financial shape than reality proves. 

The only good news here:  due to federal action, the amount of food stamps per person per month rose from $121.60 [$1.40 per person per meal] to $213.44 [$2.54].  That rang an additional $69 million on grocery store cash registers this February!

Let’s look back at February 2011.  As you recall, America was working its way out of the Great Recession and government programs were doing their part.

Missouri February Benefits

                                                             2021                       2011

Temporary Assistance

  Children                                          13,786                     71,965

  Adults                                                 4,167                     37,121

  Total                                               17,953                  109,086

  Benefits                                    $1,718,276            $10,140,361

  Per Family                                      $222.67                 $239.31

  Per Day                                              $ 7.95                    $ 8.55


MO HealthNet (Medicaid)

  Enrolled                                     1,095,966              903,013

  Covered                                     1,043,682              944,901

  Cost                                     $818,571,077         $631,164,007

  Per Person                                   $784.31                 $667.97

  Managed Care                            764,345                 447,393

  Cost Per Person                         $287.67                 $179.94


Food Stamps

Participants                                699,811                 940,259

Benefits                             $149,365,445         $119,771,813

Per Person                                   $213.44                 $127.38

Per Meal                                          $ 2.54                    $ 1.52


  Sr. Louis Co.                              108,152                 117,048

  Jackson Co.                                97,989                  123,320

  St Louis City                               68,742                  109,752

  Greene Co.                                 34,004                  41,781

  Jefferson                                    18,800                  26,561


                        Monthly Management Report for 2/11

The city 2021 numbers scare me.  They’re nothing new but all I hear from food pantries and other service providers leads me to think that the actual number of struggling, eligible people in the city is perhaps only 10% lower than a decade ago – those left behind in a job-related migration to the county and beyond tend to be the young, old and unemployable. 

A quick note on Medicaid Expansion…those who will get coverage are almost all working folks and probably 95% of them will join the Managed Care rolls – at a significant lower cost than grannies in nursing homes.

More on Medicaid Expansion and the Missouri legislature coming very soon.

Glenn Koenen