Creative Writing

I emptied the mailbox at my mom’s today.  The one day yield:  27 #10 or #11 envelopes. All but two came from charities, trolling for 1% donations rates spurred by sad stories or return envelope stickers. The other two came from Republicans.  Josh Hawley, of course, explained how only he can save the world. 

More creative was Mark McCloskey’s letter…

“One year ago my wife and I stood our ground and held off a violent  leftist mob who broke into our yard brandishing weapons, shouting obscenities and making threats.  The video and photos of us defending ourselves quickly made their way around the internet and other cable news networks.

It gets better…

“I’ve become a huge threat and the target of national Democrats, CNN, MSNBC, and other socialists who refuse to acknowledge that today in America, the [turn page] Democrats are more interest in the rights of criminals than your Second Amendment right to protect yourself  from them…Forgive me for being blunt, but the Far Left is hellbent on  destroying America.

Boy, I miss one Zoom call and now I’m surprised that I’m supposed to be working my butt off to destroy America.

So, to summarize, a hero is a guy in a pink designer polo shirt who points an assault weapon at people walking by his house.  Unexplained, of course, is if they were an imminent threat why didn’t he mow them down in a hail of bullets?  If he was in danger, Missouri’s Castle Doctrine gave him license to kill.

Anyway, just send Mark’s campaign $25 to $5,800 and he’ll fight for ‘us.’ 

In any event, I think the tone and text demonstrates again how the real danger America faces isn’t protesters on a Sunday afternoon.  No, the greatest threat comes from wannabe and incumbent Republicans creating their “us against them” world where those who don’t agree must be crushed and silenced.  You must be for Marky and his ilk, or, you hate America.  Patriotism steeped in violence.  And, it is only attainable by Republicans.

Oh yes, a couple of little points from the mailing.  This great crusade operates out of a rented private mail box (4579 Laclede Ave PMB 335, 63108).

Those checks go to:

          Mark McCloskey For Missouri

          P O Box 15316

          Washington DC  20003

I wonder why the checks don’t go to Laclede Avenue?

Alas, it appears donors do not receive a tote bag or T-shirt with that iconic image of pudgy privileged white people pointing guns at kids of color and other protesters.  Damn.
