Stretched Truths

One night last week, coming home from a meeting, I phoned my wife.  Neither of us felt like cooking dinner for an 8:30 p.m. sitting, so, I stopped for fast food.

Bad move.

I abandoned the drive thru line at the first place after 11 minutes with no movement.  Try two had a double drive thru, yet, the wait for a couple of burgers and fries passed the half hour point before I got to the window. 

At home I noticed a bribe offered on my receipt:  go to their website and praise them for their terrific service and get a free small sandwich or sausage biscuit.  I doubt if the service is ever terrific but, obviously, some people will stretch the truth for a free sandwich.

Perhaps the Greitens – Parson administration ought to try that, offering free sandwiches to all us Missourians for accepting stretched truths.

Except I see one problem:  His Accidency and his staff stretch the truth a lot.

Mike Parson, for example, keeps praising Missouri’s successful fight against Covid.  He tells people they ought to get vaccinated and wearing masks is a good idea.  Hell, he’s even offering a chance at cash prizes to Missourians getting their shots! 

Then, Parson goes mask less most everywhere, even among the thousands of other mask less people at the state fair.  That really undercuts the ‘Covid is really bad’ message.   (No wonder just 53 people got free Covid shots at the fair.)  [ 53 people vaccinated at Missouri State Fair ( ]   The reality remains that Missouri continues to do a lousy job at containing Covid and way too many Missourians won’t get vaccinated, nor do they want to protect their kids from the virus.  Missouri largely exited the national ‘hot spot’ spotlight not by doing better, but because other states are failing miserably.   Our infection numbers remain tragic.

Likewise, the administration said they’d honor the state Supreme Court ruling that voters really did expand Medicaid, with eligibility for coverage beginning July 1, 2021.   But…

The applications will sit there until we have the eligibility piece in, which will be Oct. 1,” Kim Evans, director of the Family Support Division, told workers in a video…

            St. Louis Post-Dispatch 8/24/21 p. 1

In other words, we don’t care what the court ordered, we’ll do damn well what we please when we want to do it and that’s the truth.

Fortunately for Evans, she’ll face no penalty for her stand.  After all, her sister is her boss, the acting head of the Department of Social Services.

Oh, I could go over a bunch more places where the Parson administration claims to being doing a good job and following federal regulations or state law or court rulings but really isn’t.  We could spend a few thousand words each on food stamp and unemployment pay issues alone.  We could expand to legislative stretched truths – such as public schools are fully funded and elections are decided by fraudulent voters – or, we could revisit those at a later time.

No, the takeaway is simple.  Don’t believe Missouri state government.  They really stretch the truth.

With luck, maybe they’ll start giving free sandwiches to those who say they believe.
