What Did The Vice-President Know And When Did He Know It?

Sadly, we now face the possibility that, not only is a special prosecutor needed to investigate the President, but a special prosecutor may be required to investigate the Vice-President as well. Vice-President Michael Pence vigorously defended President Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey on the grounds that it was done on the Assistant Attorney-General’s advice. President Trump has confirmed that this was not true. Now we must ask, “What did Vice-President Pence know about the reason for firing Director Comey and when did he know it?”

The Vice-President may simply have been lead down the garden path by President Trump and foolishly believed what Trump was selling. That’s somewhat understandable, although Pence has been around Trump long enough to have figured him out and to know that he has a history of lying and of leaving subordinates to take the heat.

The other possibility, more plausible in my mind, is that Pence was trying to help with damage control, with a cover-up, and with obstruction of justice… that he knew the real reason for Comey’s firing and was trying to lend help in stymieing the investigation into Russian connections to Trump and his campaign. If that were to be the case, they should get adjoining jail cells.

The problem is, we now have to ask these questions. Pence did not count on Trump’s tendency to talk off the top of his head until he steps on his own tongue. The potentially damaging evidence is in Trump’s own words and it is on video that has been seen around the world.

The threats the President poses to American democracy have to be dealt with first, but in the future we may well be asking, “What did Vice-President Pence know and when did he know it?” With such a sad and dismal prospect, it is now becoming abundantly clear how deep is the damage that President Trump is wreaking on this nation.

Submitted by Michael Pfeifer, WCD Member