What’s for Dinner?

The 2018 elections are not that far away and it is past time to prepare. Democrats need to set the table and let voters know what is on the menu. In an opinion piece, “Chicken or Fish,” in the New York Times (May 17, 2017), Thomas Friedman eloquently lays out what is on the menu. He argues that there is no reason to hope that the Republican Party has, or will find, the courage and integrity to defend the United States from the scourge that Donald Trump has become. Impeachment is a fantasy. Sadly, I accept his argument. Though they should still be pressured to do so, Republicans will not impeach President Trump. Republicans like Rep. Ann Wagner will do what they can to limit and quash the investigation into President Trump’s ties to Russia. Republicans will look the other way and excuse President Trump’s unethical behavior.

Friedman asks the question, “Are there tens of millions of good men and women in America ready to run and vote as Democrats or independents in the 2018 congressional elections and replace the current G.O.P. majority…?”

In St. Louis, West County Democrats, through FOCUS: 2018 and other efforts, are answering, “Yes!”

Friedman issues this call to action: “Run as, raise money for or register someone to vote for a Democrat or independent running for House or Senate on Nov. 6, 2018. Nothing else matters.”

The entire Friedman column can be found here.

Submitted by Michael Pfeifer, WCD Member