What’s It Like To Be Sub-Human?

In an interview with Sean Hannity, Eric Trump recently said of Democrats, “To me, they’re not even people.”

Though some may think these remarks by Eric Trump relatively small and innocuous, they are not. Combined with the messages of support flowing from the Trump base, this is a significant event. Republicans should be speaking out and disavowing this, but they are not. Nor will they. It is evidence of a political pathology that is extremely dangerous and that grows day by day. We ignore this at our peril.

There is little appreciation for how quickly things can get out of hand and turn in a nation that is leaning authoritarian. If you don’t want to think of Germany in the 1930s, think of Rwanda, Bosnia, or Laos. Recall that Trump has a significant base of followers who will believe anything that comes from him or anyone in his family. They are heavily armed, and they will do whatever it is suggested they do. If you’ve been hoping for something better from the White House and responsible Republicans, hope no more.

Trump also declared Democrats and opponents as lacking morals. Meanwhile, a Forbes investigation is reporting on the money that Eric Trump siphoned from a childhood cancer charity into the coffers of the Trump Organization. Individuals investigating Ivanka’s shoe manufacturing in China have either been detained or disappeared. A foreign power – Turkey – is allowed to attack peaceful demonstrators in the United States with impunity.

Actually, Eric did the United States a favor. We know where we stand and what we are dealing with with more clarity. Defining the opposition or any critic as “not human” is a checklist item in the Authoritarian Manual. If you have or have had the temerity to disagree with Trump, in the Trumpian world view you are not worthy of life.

It may be worthwhile to pushback with your uncommitted or Republican friends on this characterization by Eric Trump and make sure that they regard you as human. It can serve as a reminder to them that there are consequences to Trumpism and perhaps they will consider that as they weigh future remarks from Trump and his family as well as their ongoing support.

Submitted by Michael Pfeifer, WCD Member