Chesterfield Democrats Mobilize for Growth and Action

Sixteen people attended a meeting of the Chesterfield Township Democrats (CTD) on Tuesday, August 1st at the Chesterfield City Hall. The meeting focused on club development for sustainability. An official website ( and a club branding logo and tag line were introduced as was a formalized club registration procedure. Dues for the club were fixed at $25.00 annually for adults and $10 for students.

CTD adopted a meeting structure that will alternate between Educational/Informational meetings and Mobilization meetings. The Educational/Informational meetings will feature topical programs, speakers, and candidate forums and the Mobilization meetings will be what were formerly referred to as “business meetings”. Meeting sites will vary. Check for details of meeting dates, locations, and topics. CTD also adopted a 6:30 start time for all meetings in the future.

Speaking at the meeting was Mark Osmack, newly announced candidate for the District 2 Congressional seat currently held by Ann Wagner. Mr. Osmack briefly described his qualifications. Candidate Osmack talked passionately about the need for affordable, sensible health care for all citizens as well as accessibility to quality education for all Missourians.

A spirited discussion took place during brainstorming of topics for “educational and informational” programs that will be scheduled on alternating months. Among the ideas generated by the group was inviting members of Planned Parenthood to speak on the comprehensive spectrum of services it provides to women in our community. Other topics included City/County merger and its economic impact, organizing and funding Campaign with the help of Strong, and Clean Missouri to name a few. A formal committee was organized to further design and develop these programs. Details will be announced soon.

Minutes for the meeting will be available on the club’s website. The next meeting of Chesterfield Township Democrats will be on Tuesday, September 5th at the Walnut Grille in Ellisville beginning at 6:30. Check the website for details and bring a friend.

Submitted by Mark Kumming, WCD Member