Missouri Proposition A…What Does It Mean?

On the Missouri ballot will be Proposition A.

It is a cleverly worded proposition which would say yes to Senate bill 19 & say yes to RTW, Right to Work in Missouri.
After one reads the true meaning of the words (in the Fair Language below) it is easy to see that if you are for workers rights & what truly benefits workers….
Vote NO on Prop A

From MOPAG, Missouri Progressive Action Group…..
“RTW is not about worker’s rights or freedoms; it is about management keeping workers down to make more profits.”
http://mopag.org/talking_points.html#rightsg <http://mopag.org/talking_points.html#rightsg>

Below wording directly from the Missouri Secretary of State website…https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/petitions/2018BallotMeasures<https://www.sos.mo.gov/elections/petitions/2018BallotMeasures>
Official Ballot Title (emphasis added)
Proposition A

Do the people of the state of Missouri want to adopt Senate Bill 19 (“Right-to-Work”) as passed by the general assembly in 2017, which prohibits as a condition of employment the forced membership in a labor organization (union) or forced payments of dues in full or pro-rata (fair-share); make any activity which violates employees’ rights illegal and ineffective; allow legal remedies for anyone injured as a result of another person violating or threatening to violate employees’ rights; and which shall not apply to union agreements entered into before the effective date of Senate Bill 19?

State and local government entities expect no costs or savings.

Fair Ballot Language: (emphasis added)

A “yes” vote will adopt Senate Bill 19 (“right-to-work”), passed by the general assembly in 2017. If adopted, Senate Bill 19 will amend Missouri law to prohibit, as a condition of employment, forced membership in a labor organization (union) or forced payments of dues or fees, in full or pro-rata (“fair-share”), to a union. Senate Bill 19 will also make any activity which violates employees’ rights provided by the bill illegal and ineffective and allow legal remedies for anyone injured as a result of another person violating or threatening to violate those employees’ rights. Senate Bill 19 will not apply to union agreements entered into before the effective date of Senate Bill 19, unless those agreements are amended or renewed after the effective date of Senate Bill 19.

A “no” vote will reject Senate Bill 19 (“right-to-work”), and will result in Senate Bill 19 not becoming Missouri law.

If passed, this measure will have no impact on taxes.

Let’s all….Vote NO on Prop A

Submitted by Tom Flanagan, WCD Member