Character matters

I attended the rally for Claire McCaskill, Cort VanOstran and Wesley Bell; headlined by Joe Biden. The union hall was packed and the mood was fired up, but what struck me most is how really good these people are. They are all accomplished but self-effacing, earnest but with a sense of humor, motivated but honest, intelligent but accessible.

Joe Biden used character to sum up those elusive 1,000 personal attributes make civil, compassionate and effective leaders- There is way too little of that in Washington or Jefferson City today.

Claire, Cort and Wesley have character and they get things done. In fact, every local Democratic candidate I met in this election season have character; character we need in office.

The November election is days away and WE have the ability to show OUR character by voting.

If you want change in the political dynamic that now exists, vote. If you want end Hoover era policies that will leave us no social safety net or affordable healthcare, vote.  If you’re tired of endless bigotry, misdirection and misinformation, vote. If you want the relentless negative ads from dark money groups to end, vote.  If you want more accountability in our state and national politics, vote. If you’re tired of American working families getting a short stick, vote.  While you’re at it, encourage your friends and neighbors to get out and vote.

If you think destitute refugees a thousand miles away are a real threat to the greatest nation on earth, stay home.

(Just kidding. But I would ask you to vote your conscience, not your fear. Our country deserves better.)

The candidates have stepped up, listened to voters and made their cases. Now it is our turn.

We can do this.

— Mark Toenjes, WCD Member