Brain-Washing & Misinformation

This short YouTube (click here), from the Jimmy Dore Show is reminiscent of the JayWalking segments from the Jay Leno tonight Show in which Leno asks people questions about current news and other topics on the streets & parking lots LA resulting in most responses being outrageously incorrect.

In this video Jimmy Dore, a standup comedian & very pithy political commentator, asks Trump delegates at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland questions pertaining to issues that Obama has already addressed in his tenure as president.

The answers are truly astoundingly telling.  Telling in the way that many Trump supporters are ill-informed about the truth of many issues which affect their lives. Many in the American populace are similarly misinformed about the very issues that they then use to determine who to vote for.

In America, it in incumbent for those on the side of spreading the truth to understand this abhorrent illness & also how it happened.  It did not happen by chance.

To get an in-depth look at the powers which clandestinely & insidiously over decades sought to build this culture of misinformation check out this trailer of a recent documentary called “The Brainwashing of My Dad”.  This documentary addresses the FOX News role in this issue, but as you will see FOX News is only emblematic of the deep roots of this true problem which had many of it’s beginnings in the post-WWII period in America.

Submitted by Tom Flanagan, WCD Member