March Forward with Postcards

The Women’s March Team is continuing its efforts to keep marching forward with its campaign:  “10 Actions for the First 100 Days.”  The first challenge  is writing postcards to our Senators.  Printable postcards are available on the website and there is an option to print out quantities to share with your organizations, friends & family.  You are encouraged to write about any issue that you care about such as gender-based violence, reproductive rights and women’s health, LGBTQIA rights, worker’s rights, civil rights, immigrant rights, religious freedom, or environmental justice.

If you sign up on the website, listed below, you will receive instructions on what to do with the following email:

“Thanks for adding your name to 10 Actions for the First 100 Days, the way we’ll build our movement from one record-breaking march to a powerful activist community that will make history again and again.

Right now, Women’s March groups are planning postcard-writing parties across the country. If you haven’t signed up to receive your FREE postcards yet, please do so here:

We’ve got less than 10 days to go before our next challenge, so let’s keep up the energy and get writing!


The Women’s March Team”

START WRITING THOSE POSTCARDS!!!  Let our Senators hear our voices – consider hosting a Postcard Party.

The general website for The Women’s March is

Submitted by WCD Member