WCD Monthly Meeting Announcement 10-14-2019


West County Democrats Monthly Meeting     

United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 655      

300 Weidman Road, Ballwin, MO  63011


 Monday, October 14, 2019

                                         (always on the 2nd Monday of the month)

 9 a.m.     Refreshments and socializing

9:30        Business meeting and announcements

10:30      Presentation

 Topic:   Insights from a Prominent Labor Leader

 Speaker:   David A. Cook, born and raised in St. Louis, his working-class father instilled in him a strong sense of values and work ethics that have helped Dave make a positive impact on the Labor Community.  He began working at Kroger’s and went from being an in-store shop steward to a volunteer organizer to a full-time Union representative by 1987.  By 2004 he was elected Secretary-Treasurer and is now serving his fourth term as President of UFCW Local 655.  He has made presentation on labor issues across the United States, Canada and Japan. 

He serves as Co-Chair of Local 655 Trustees Pension Plan and Health and Welfare Boards. He currently serves on the Board of Directors for the United Way campaigns.  In 2017 he was elected to the UFCW International Executive Board.  As Director and President of Preserve Middle Class America he helped lead the fight to defeat Right to Work in Missouri in 2018.  He also serves on the Executive Board of Missouri AFL-CIO and St. Louis AFL-CIO-CLC.

Dave and his wife Christine reside in Eureka.  When time and weather permit, they love to spend time at the Lake of the Ozarks.

–   Circle of Concern, a local food pantry supported by West County Democrats, is collecting canned goods including peanut butter, fish and meat as well as paper products.  Any such items brought to our monthly meetings will be delivered to the pantry. Cash and checks are welcome.

–   Please join us for lunch following the meeting at the Pasta House on Manchester just west of Weidman.        14007 Manchester Rd. Ballwin, MO. 63011

FREE FOOD                     FREE DRINKS                   FREE INFORMATION

 Protect Union workers: DO NOT bring Walmart items to West County Democrat meetings  Contact person:  Erlaine Eltomi   erlaine.eltomi@att.net