Good Ideas For Missouri?

In recent weeks I’ve been accumulating a list of stupid and dangerous bills proposed this session in Jefferson City.

Then today, at a meeting, a woman strongly encouraged me to suggest some positive ideas to the legislature.

Here’s three…

Creation of the 47th Circuit Court

Missouri now has 46 circuits.  This new one would be limited to litigation involving the state of Missouri – much of it now in Cole County’s 19th Circuit. 

Cole County Circuit Court
Cole County Courthouse

Two issues there:  the state cases strain the local court, and, the five judges in Cole County are elected as Democrat (now 1) or Republican (4).  The new 47th Circuit should be under the non-partisan court plan, and, I suggest that it draw jurors not just from Cole County but also from adjacent counties – Boone, Callaway, Miller, Moniteau and Osage.  That lessens the burden on Cole County and includes a lot more people not likely to be state employees (or have close relatives who are). 

Yes, this would cost a million dollars or more a year but it could give rise to quicker and cleaner outcomes. 

License Plate Renewals Tied To Vehicle Value

Why does a new Mercedes sports coupe costing north of $80,000 get license Missouri License Plate Renewalplates for less money than my 11 year old truck ($ 9,000 and she’s yours!).  Well, this state charges for plates based on theoretical horsepower, not value.  Many other states – including Iowa and Louisiana – base plate fees on vehicle value.   That’s more progressive taxation and it could increase transportation revenue by around $100,000,000 million per year without a statewide vote!  Yes, paying around 1% of vehicle value each two-year renewal could yield $100,000,000 in new money for roads.  Make it a series of 1% increases for a few years and Missouri could raise another $500,000,000 without a ballot item!

Of course, Mercedes owners may not like seeing their plate fees go up, but, hey, they can always tool around in an 11 year old Chevy truck to save money!

Missouri College Grants

In round numbers, Missouri state supported colleges and universities have between 110,000 and 120,000 students, with a majority coming from this state.  Community colleges educates tens of thousands more.  The Missouri legislature seemed determined to not give additional core funding to Mizzou, UMSL, et al. 

Truman State University

How about this:  each Missouri resident brings with them to a Missouri public college a $1,500 grant per year – paid to the school at the completion of the year.  Community colleges cost less, so, make the same deal with them at $1,000 per student completed year.  This gives the schools extra incentive to hang on to students, and, provides needed funds.  Cost?  How about $150,000,000 a year?

Yes, that’s a lot of money – about what now awaits Missouri from the Wayfair internet sales tax settlement!  Why not use the ‘found money’ to help train tomorrow’s leaders?

So, here’s three ideas to help Missouri.  Obviously, more good ideas out there.  Perhaps it’s time Missouri starts accepting good ideas.
