VOTE YES on Medicaid Expansion on August 4th

Yes, August 4 is a big day. It is the day which will greatly affect over 250,000 residents of MO. It is the day we can – and must – vote to expand Medicaid. It is the day we can save lives.

Guess what? It is also the day we can improve employment rather than continue losing jobs in the medical profession. Our loss is due to the closing of many rural hospitals. Our gain is based on the estimate of the State Chamber of Commerce that expansion will create about 25,000 new jobs. So, instead of increasing welfare costs, we can increase the number of tax payers. Plus, the large federal contributions will dump Billions into our economy. And as I said, we will save lives!

Is Medicaid Expansion a wild Socialist idea? As I said, the Chamber of Commerce is greatly in favor. Also, the MO Hospital Assn. is in favor. In fact, back in 2008, when the Republicans said they had to cut 47,000 kids off Medicaid “because we cannot afford it”, the Assn. offered to pay Missouri’s share – $56M – to keep the kids on. The Republicans refused to let Gov. Nixon accept the money and help kids. Note the Republicans sometimes try to scare us by saying that if the feds ever stop paying, we will be stuck with the whole bill.This  cut proves we can cut out any time we wish. 

The expansion is actually a great bargain for MO. Currently, the state pays about 35% of the Medicaid costs. For those covered by expansion, MO only pays 10%. Sounds like a tremendous bargain to me. 

Note that 36 other states have expanded. There are no reports of any regretting their decision despite the increased cost.   

So, do we want to create jobs, keep hospitals open, save welfare costs, AND save lives?

 VOTE YES on Medicaid Expansion on Aug. 4.

Marty Walsh