Kings of Corruption

Historically, two states have been standouts when it comes to corruption. Louisiana. (Think Huey Long, Edward Long, Edwin Edwards and every Insurance Commissioner the state has ever had.) And Illinois. (The Dishonor Roll includes Ron Blagojevic, George Ryan, Dan Walker, Otto Kerner, and Paul Powell to name just the most notable.) 
Move over Louisiana and Illinois, there’s a new kid in town. Missouri. And we’re moving up fast. I submit Missouri as the current Kings of Corruption.
The Governor collects “dark money” from secret sources and flies on “dark aircraft” to secret meetings. If Huey Long was known as The Kingfish, then Eric Greitens is our King SEAL. Governor Greitens prostrates himself at the feet of corporate contributors and adopts President Trump as his mentor. The legislature is openly corrupt and mocks Missouri citizens every day. 
The Governor ran on promises to clean up corruption, but merely dove into the deep end of the corruption pool. In the recent past legislators have been caught sexually harassing interns on numerous occasions. Legislators live with lobbyists and are lavishly feed and entertained by lobbyists. House legislators made some noises about cleaning up a bit of the garbage, but now their legislation is stuck in committee in the Senate while the Senate argues over how much per day they can expect to take in. Legislators manipulate legislation for their own financial benefit in a manner that is shocking for its openness. Legislators and the Governor simply thumb their noses at the electorate. And why not? The state’s voters keep returning the same corrupt officials to office. 
Missouri may have lost its title as America’s Meth Capital, but raise a glass to the Kings of Corruption. Hail, you Kings of Corruption, you Knights of Thievery, you Princes of Pulchritude.
Submitted by Michael Pfeifer, WCD Member