West County Democrats meeting report -September 12, 2022

Suzanne Couch, the co-chair of the West County Democrats opened the meeting and made a very specific request.  As we come to the end of the year, the WCD board is interested in feedback from our members on the direction of this group in 2022.  To that end, we would like to form a steering committee to discuss topics of interest and participant activities that West County Democrats should invest in moving forward.  If you would like to add your voice to this committee, please reach out to the board through the comment page on this website.

Deb Lavender and Luke Barber getting feedbackWest County Democrats were well represented at the Manchester Homecoming Festival.  Our booth was flanked by Trish Gunby and Deb Lavender who were there every day meeting with voters.  Trudy Busch Valentine‘s team joined us as well– and our booth served as information central for a host of Democratic candidates from around the region.  It was a beautiful weekend to remind everyone that Democrats have a genuine interest in hearing from you and earning your vote.  As we come down to the final weeks before the election, let’s get out and support these folks.


Our presenters at the Monday meeting were Missouri Representative for House District 90, Barb Phifer and Missouri Representative candidate for District 98, Deb Lavender.  They led a lively discussion about post-Roe v. Wade in Missouri.  In short, it is not likely that legislative or citizen action to reverse the abortion ban in Missouri will happen soon.   However, the law triggered by the Supreme Court’s egregious decision has caused confusion and chaos for young women and their doctors dealing with pregnancy risks– and that may be addressed sooner.  While Democratic legislators fight to restore the right of women to choose, there is still help available for people with these issues.  More information can be had at the Missouri Legislative Democrats website.

Legislative Report from Glenn Koenen

Federal Items:

Don’t let our friends accept the GOP – FOX News interpretation of the Biden presidency.  All Democrats should be quick to remind others of Joe Biden’s accomplishments, including…

The Inflation Reduction Act

Great Job Creation Totals

Confirmation of Justice Brown Jackson

Support For Ukraine

Expansion of NATO

The American Rescue Plan

Elimination of Al Qaeda’s Leader

Bipartisan Gun Legislation

Yes, there are many critical things still to be done – such as increasing the federal minimum wage up from $7.25 an hour or crafting a workable solution on immigration.  And, many would have been done if Republicans showed any willingness to work with Congressional Democrats and the administration.

Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to expect significant legislation to pass from now till the next Congress gets sworn-in next January.  Recent polls strongly suggest that while the GOP may gain a small majority on the House of Representatives, it is likely that Democrats retain control of the Senate and, maybe, gain one or two seats.  Worse, it is possible that many of the new Republicans have already sold their souls to Donald Trump:  potential House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R – CA) already promises investigations, impeachments and other actions against Biden appointees, and, professionals in the FBI, Justice Department, CDC and other federal operations.

For example, some candidates and incumbent Republicans want to rescind the president’s student loan forgiveness efforts.  As noted in the New York Times last week…

“Eric Burlison, a shoo-in to represent an open district in southwestern Missouri, has pushed legislation in the Missouri State Senate that would grant blanket immunity to anyone “who uses or threatens to use physical or deadly force in self defense.

“J. R. Majewski…has flirted with QAnon conspiracy theory, fulminated against what he called ‘a fake government to hijack and fake election,’ and was at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.”

In really bad news, Trump judicial appointments from southeast Florida (Aileen Cannon) to the Supreme Court seem willing to abandon their Federalist Society doctrine of originalism and precedent in order to protect the ex-president.  In other words, seeking moderation and fairness from the federal courts may no longer be possible.

While not popular with other GOP senators, Josh Hawley is assembling a mix of hard right supporters with theocratic tendencies and deep pockets to help position him for a run for President in 2024.

Actions by the Biden administration have been minimizing the growth of the federal deficit.  In a normal time that action would draw praise from bother sides of the political aisle, and from Wall Street. 

State Items:

Missouri Republicans are showing little allegiance to the state’s governor.

Mike Parson has called an Extraordinary/Special Session for the legislature to consider the governor’s proposal to reduce the state income tax rate, and, adjust the tax formula so that fewer lower-wage workers owe state tax.  Missouri House members are skeptical:

Some feel that Parson’s plan does not reduce state revenue enough.  Instead of $700 million, a few advocate for up to a $2 billion per year.

A few Republicans and most Democrats feel the cuts would leave Missouri too short of funds tohandle even a mild economic downturn.

Many members have heard from their local school districts that inflation (especially in fuel costs and wages) is threatening their ability to function and tax cuts turn into reductions in state education funding.

In short, it’s possible the Special Session won’t result in a reduction of the tax rate to 4.8%.

BTW: per Auditor Galloway, at the end of FY21 [6/30/2021] Missouri’s state revenue was $3.8 billion below what the Hancock Amendment allows.

Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft has been in the news recently for three reasons.

  1. The new restrictions on voter I.D. in House Bill 1878 (effective 8/28/22).
  2. Ashcroft publicly supports the notion that the state legislature can overrule voting results.
  3. Ashcroft has made an interesting decision on the recreational pot initiative petition.

First reports indicated that passports would not be suitable to prove I.D. to vote.  Now handouts from Jefferson City show passports as being acceptable.  Alas, most people who lack a state-issued driver license or I.D. card also don’t have passports.  A staggering number of people could find themselves stuck with Provisional Ballots which would only be counted if voters returned to the polling place before 7:00 p.m. on Election Day with acceptable I.D.

Ashcroft is lending his support to a controversial voting control law which is going to the U. S. Supreme Court next term:

The independent state legislature doctrine would give state lawmakers the power to set election rules and draw congressional maps without any review by state courts.

Some legal experts contend the doctrine could also be interpreted as allowing a legislature to refuse to certify the results of a pres­id­en­tial elec­tion and instead select its own slate of elect­ors.

Missouri Independent  9-6-22

The recreational marijuana petition, per reports out of Ashcroft’s office, did not appear to have enough valid signatures from the 7th Congressional District to get on the ballot this year.  Ashcroft overrode the reports of county clerks and had his staff certify enough ‘rejected’ signatures to put the measure on the November ballot.

Remember that former MO House Speaker Steve Tilley is a political consultant for the medical pot growers.  The petition would allow medical pot sellers to also sell recreational marijuana without a new licensing process.  And, Republican leaders know the pot proposal will cause many more young people to flock to the polls.  The GOP would rather have them crowding polls in 2022 instead of 2024.

All images are copyright 2022, West County Democrats