This being 2024 there is little chance the courts will protect these kids and their families. They will remain laugh lines in political speeches, targets in TV ads. Ostracizing them will remain acceptable Republican behavior.
Abusing Kids For Fun & Profit
The End Of Elections, The Rise of Theocracy
Christian Nationalists oft point to the references to God by the Founding Fathers. They want us to believe that back in 1776 they had a united vision for a country under the God.
Where, O Where Did They Go?
Imagine turning on the local TV news as you make breakfast. The lead story is that everyone in Springfield, Missouri, its suburb of Nixa and about half of nearby Republic, Missouri disappeared in the past year. That would be major news.
SCOTUS V. America
The Supreme Court majority has moved from being the defender of the common citizen to its sworn enemy. They know what’s good for us and what’s good is only pro-business and pro-Republican.
We have invited many candidates for office, including Federal and State offices, to speak to us about their campaigns and how we can HELP THEM WIN IN NOVEMBER!! Please come meet the candidates and find opportunities to be involved.
Every State Is A Border State
The price we pay for the lack of border control hits us all in the pocketbook. Our economy, our way of life, stands at the edge of an abyss.