The Oreo War

Look around the house for a journal, notebook, or even a thick pad of paper.  Then, start making daily entries in your War Diary.

Today Donald J. Trump begins his first war, The Oreo War.

You see many things cross borders everyday – including Oreos!  While some varieties still get baked in the U.S.A. most traditional Oreos are now produced in Mexico.  Likewise, the Honey Grahams available at my local Costco and other stores came from south of the border.

So, in a few weeks in the cookie aisle some packs may cost $4.00 as others – almost identical – could cost $5.00.or more.

Of course it’s not just cookies.  Take a look at the Window Stickers on GM cars.  Many have V-6 engines made in Mexico and some have transmissions from China.  And, a number of popular cars and trucks are produced in Canada, another Trump target.

Tariffed goods will require extra vigilance at the border.  Some shipments may not get into our country.  In other words, expect inflation and chaos. 

Alas, Trump isn’t done.  He’s talking about tariffs on foreign made prescriptions drugs too.  Most of my drugs are generic – and made in India.  One comes from Denmark.  (The most expensive, Eliquis, is made in America.  The Biden administration targeted it for price reductions, cuts Trump seems determined to undo.)  In other words, Trump will raise the price of my medicine, leaving a bigger bill for Medicare to pay.

When will it end?

Probably not till we get a new President. 

In a quirk of law, tariffs are among the few things Presidents can do unilaterally.  Congress can complain but their ability to change things is limited.  That’s especially true with this Congress controlled by cowardly Republicans fearful of Trump’s wrath.  So, the tariffs and craziness will continue.

And, we can’t expect other nations to stand by and let Trump run rough over international trade.  Every tariff the U.S.A. imposes will be met with a counter strike.  Imagine if other countries hit Boeing with a 25% tariff?  That would make it a great time to be an Airbus salesman.

The President of Mexico recently told the press how damaging illegal American guns are to her country.  The drug cartels and criminals are big consumers of American weapons.  Trump’s actions with immigrants gives her an excuse to crack down big time on weapon smugglers.  (Read up on Mexican laws regarding foreigners and weapons…you won’t even want to take a cap gun to Texas.)

In your War Diary be sure to note the price jumps, the product shortages and the general weariness on the Homefront.  Feel free to recall the good old days when Oreos didn’t cost an arm and a leg and cars didn’t have thousands of dollars in surcharges.   When you could get your medicine. Your grandkids may find it interesting.


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