May I Have The Reality Check, Please

Over lunch a good friend lamented that “no body wants to work anymore.”

Yes, I spent 10 minutes correcting him.

As I’ve mentioned before, it’s not that a lot of people don’t want to work.  No, some jobs simply aren’t worth having in this economy, and, the terrific shortage of workers insures that many lower-paying positions never get filled.

For example, the press covered the closing of Balducci’s in Maryland Heights: 

“It’s very sad and emotional to let go, but when we can’t find enough people to staff the operation, there’s nothing more we can do,” the owners of Balducci’s wrote in a Facebook post Sunday.

Well, take a look at recent on-line reviews for that restaurant and read about a dated facility, indifferent staff and mediocre food.  Why would a competent cook or waiter join a sinking ship?

You see, in Capitalism workers move to better paying jobs when they can.  While the concept may be unfathomable to Republicans and bad restaurant owners, it is real.  

So, yes, all along Telegraph Road the Now Hiring signs front every restaurant.  Again, the worker shortage is real.  Yet, while Jack In The Box threw in the towel and ran away, McDonalds down the block has maintained its hours and attracted staff.

Why?  Jack reportedly paid 25¢ an hour over Missouri’s minimum wage of $10.30 an hour.  McDonald’s advertises $14.00 an hour on their sign. 

That’s why recent labor reporting found that 4.3 million Americans quit their jobs in August, The Great Resignation as NPR noted.   Workers followed the money to better paying jobs.

Meanwhile, we now have evidence of how many Missourians rejoined the work force after His Accidency stopped the pandemic $300 a week unemployment bonus:  Around zero.    It also turns out Mike Parson made his mean spirited decision based not on data or advice from economists, no, the governor had “conversations” with a few friends and employers.

Let’s jump to the really long term problem.  The “McJob” generation of low-skill workers now includes 40 year olds who have never had a job with benefits.  Even at $14.00 an hour, McDonalds virtually never gives any but senior managers full time hours or benefits.  Amazon pays up to $18.00 an hour, yet, is anyone really sure that their business model has 50 year legs?  And, most of their jobs are ‘when needed.’  The ability to build up retirement money via 401 (k) and stock purchase plans sounds good.  But how many team mates will get the years of service necessary for that to become real money?

Look ahead 35 years.  Millions upon millions of today’s workers will reach retirement age with just Social Security and, maybe in some lucky cases, token employer-supported payments.

That’s the hidden cost of today’s $1.00 sausage biscuit.

Meaning that 2021’s  ‘people who don’t want to work’ face a grim future.  In 2056 they’ll be the old people who feel “entitled” to health care and food, damn them. 

Glenn Koenen

Photo by Muffin Creatives from Pexels